Brent Henderson
Welcome to Men Unleashed! This is a place for encouragement and devotionals from Brent.

About the time we were seriously contemplating cutting the fishing line, we began to see a dark, looming figure begin to emerge from underneath the boat. We pushed the Zodiac into the surf, fired up the motor, angled the nose into the oncoming waves, and skipped the motorized raft toward the smoking volcano, some 26 miles straight across the frigid, moving waters of Cook Inlet.
About the time we were seriously contemplating cutting the fishing line, we began to see a dark, looming figure begin to emerge from underneath the boat. We pushed the Zodiac into the surf, fired up the motor, angled the nose into the oncoming waves, and skipped the motorized raft toward the smoking volcano, some 26 miles straight across the frigid, moving waters of Cook Inlet.
Men Wanted
One of the greatest stories of survival I have ever read is the story of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914–16), also known as the Endurance Expedition. It’s considered the last major expedition of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Born out of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s imagination and his thirst for adventure, the expedition was an attempt to make the first land crossing of the Antarctic continent.
We don’t see much foot traffic in these parts!
“Sorry, fellas – we don’t see much foot traffic in these parts.” Those were the words of a rough-and-tumble cowboy riding up the steep switchbacks on horseback as his huge mountain dog lunged toward us.
Taking The Leap
“The scariness of manhood to males may be symbolically seen in the many stories of indigenous Australian boys who ran away and hid in the bush as the time of initiation approached.” ~ Michael Leunig | One of the most recent crazes in men’s groups has been to take their sons through an initiation, or rite of passage. Cultures all around the world understand the significance of the passing into manhood, but some take it to extremes.
Bear The Name
One of the most amazing displays of dedication, strength, and discipline I’ve ever witnessed was while attending a men’s retreat around 2004 in south eastern Pennsylvania. As a part of the weekend, a former Navy SEAL had been asked speak to the men after breakfast. It was something that has stuck with me that I’ve shared countless times around campfires and while leading men’s retreats.
Give A Man A Fish
One of my favorite pastimes is hand-catching Alaskan salmon. There’s something about being able to reach down into a cold rushing stream and pull them out with your bare hands that’s incredibly rewarding.
A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing
In the spring of 2003, I was with a friend fishing on Elk Creek, one of Pennsylvania’s premier trout streams.There are sections of Elk Creek that have high cliff walls cut through stone that call out to the masculine soul as it snakes its way through the hills of PA. It’s a real hotspot, especially for fly fishermen as it has crystal clear water, and heartily stocked with brown and steelhead trout each year.